Reading Comprehension Problems

Kids With Learning Difficulties


Comprehension problems are sometimes difficult to diagnose. We give a diagnostic reading battery with several comprehension components. However, typically, an experienced tutor can determine the source of the problem. The following is a list of student behaviors that affect comprehension:

  • omitting words
  • mispronouncing words
  • omitting the pauses for punctuation
  • lack of vocabulary
  • lack of attention
  • lack of self-correction
  • lack of re-reading difficult passages
  • expressive or receptive language weakness


Our program relies on many different strategies to assist your child with comprehension. The strategies we use depend on what we determine the weakness to be. The following is a list of possible lessons/programs:

  • basal reader comprehension program on their instructional level
  • think a-loud
  • vocabulary programs
  • specific goal-oriented lessons
  • decoding practice
  • various strategies depending on the student’s needs
  • referral to speech and language pathologists


Picturing a novel in your mind, or visualizing fiction, is a critical skill. Many students have spent many hours watching TV and movies with incredible graphics with no requirement for imaginative skills. Therefore, visualizing can be difficult for some students. Students who are very analytical and not creative have a particularly difficult time with visualizing novels. People who love to read novels have a detailed and exciting movie going on in their brain. This skill can be difficult to teach and practice.